It's Like Family


Janice Christensen gives to the community in times of need

Pouring into the lives of patients has been Janice Christensen’s calling for years as a registered nurse for Huron Regional Medical Center. “I love what I do and HRMC allows me to do it,” she said. “I enjoy the feeling of comfort I have when I work with our patients. They allow me to be that individual nurse that is right for whatever it is they are going through.”

Janice worked for HRMC Community Hospice for many years, and recently moved to the clinic. Throughout her career, there has been once constant: putting the patient first. It’s not without emotion.

That’s because she goes out of her way to make meaningful connections with the people she provides care to and their families. “If I get to know the family better, I get to know the patient better,” she said.

Janice is grateful to live in a community that values quality health care and to work for a hospital that provides it. “Being part of the HRMC family has allowed me to be a part of the larger Huron community,” she said, a place where she is close to her grandchildren, feels safe and has an active lifestyle.

Work is a place she wants to be.  “I not only enjoy time with my patients and families, but also time with my co-workers and fellow employees,” she said. “It makes my job a very important part of my life.”


“We laugh, we cry, we hug.
We form a bond in a very short time.”

HRMC has become an integral part of the community, Janice added, and the community has invested in the hospital—through the Foundation—in return. Living in Huron has given her the opportunity to become a better nurse because of the relationships she has developed and maintained, and the continued support she’s received. “The connections we have allow for a more personal approach to care,” she said. “We take pride in how care is delivered.”

Brendan Whipple